Maintaining WUE eligibility
WUE Requirements for Maintaining Eligibility
Once students are admitted into an ASU Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) major, they must meet certain requirements to maintain their WUE eligibility each semester.
Eligible Majors/Programs
- Students must remain enrolled in one of the ASU WUE-eligible majors or programs.
- ASU Online programs are not eligible.
- Students who change majors to a non-WUE major will be removed from WUE and charged out-of-state tuition
Eligibility Time Periods
WUE status is available for:
- New first-time students up to a maximum of eight semesters, beginning with their first term of enrollment at ASU.
- New community college transfer students up to a maximum of 5 semesters, beginning with their first term of enrollment at ASU.
- New transfer students from 4-year institutions up to a maximum of 120 credit hours, including all transfer credits.
Credit Hour Requirements
- Students must maintain continuous enrollment which is defined as enrollment in both fall and spring semesters with summer sessions not included.
- Students must earn a minimum of 24 credits during the yearly fall/spring review period.
- Students may not use the following credit for meeting the minimum 24 credit hours requirement, although these credits may still count toward their overall credits for degree completion:
- Summer sessions and consortium agreement classes, repeated classes, incomplete grades or audited classes.
- Any credits received by examination, including AP, CLEP, IB and other tests.
Required GPA
- Students must maintain a 2.00 minimum ASU cumulative GPA.
Enrollment Requirements (can count in 24 credit hours requirement)
- Students are expected to enroll in classes at their designated campus location. Courses delivered through iCourse are allowed.
- Enrollment is also allowed in a few select specialized program offerings: participation in a ROTC program, ASU Marching Band, participating in an internship or study abroad experience as an example.
Students seeking enrollment exceptions should submit requests via email to wue@asu.edu for consideration, with the understanding that such requests are not granted for reasons such as home/work proximity, transportation issues or extracurricular activities participation.
Concurrent Degrees, Minors and Certificates
- Students enrolled in a WUE eligible program, along with a non-WUE concurrent degree, minor or certificate, must enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours in any combination of iCourses and courses at their designated campus location.
- The Polytechnic Professional Flight program is not eligible for a concurrent degree.
Residency Status
- Students must remain residents of their home state.
- Students cannot apply time accrued during WUE program participation to establish Arizona residency for tuition purposes.
Code of Conduct
- Violations of the ABOR Student Code of Conduct may result in loss of WUE eligibility.
More Information about WUE:
WUE FAQs for Continuing Students
Further questions about applying for WUE, please contact your ASU admission team member at https://admission.asu.edu/contact/undergraduate.
Further questions about maintaining your WUE eligibility, please contact University Registrar Services at WUE@asu.edu.